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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of weaker
  • # a.
    薄: cold, flimsy, infertile, lacking in warmth, light, poor
    薄弱: frail, weak
    孱: frail, weak
    婥: weak
    脆弱: fragile, frail, frangible, weak
    單: odd, single, solitary, thin, unlined, unrequited
    淡: dull, indifferent, light, pale, slack, thin
    懦: cowardly, imbecile, timid, weak
    懦弱: cowardly, weak
    荏: soft, weak, weak-kneed
    柔弱: delicate, weak
    軟: easily moved, flexible, gentle, mild, pliant, poor in quality
    軟綿綿: feeble, soft, weak
    軟弱: feeble, flabby, weak
    弱: inferior, weak, young
    姝姝: affectionate, compliant, fond, loving, obedient, pliable
    衰: feeble, weak
    衰弱: feeble, weak
    鬆: faint, feeble, friable, weak
    鬆弛: faint, flabby, flaccid, loose, unstable, weak
    痠懶: apathetic, apathetical, faint, fatigued, inert, languid
    痠軟: dull, faint, fatigued, feeble, flabby, flaccid
    癱軟: limp, weak
    微弱: achy, asthenic, asthenical, bedrid, dicky, enervate
    虛: blank, bogus, diffident, empty, exhausted, fake
    虛弱: in poor health, weak
    隱約: dim, faded, faint, formless, fuzzy, hazy
    有氣無力: feeble, weak
    寙: bad, ill, inutile, ropy, ugly, useless
    窳: bad, ill, inutile, ropy, ugly, vicious

0_0: Definitions of weaker
  • # adjective.
    - lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy.
    * she was recovering from the flu and was very weak
    - liable to break or give way under pressure; easily damaged.
    * the salamander's tail may be broken off at a weak spot near the base
    - lacking intensity or brightness.
    * a weak light from a single street lamp
    - denoting a class of verbs in Germanic languages that form the past tense and past participle by addition of a suffix (in English, typically -ed ).
    * None
    - relating to or denoting the weakest of the known kinds of force between particles, which acts only at distances less than about 10−15 cm, is very much weaker than the electromagnetic and the strong interactions, and conserves neither strangeness, parity, nor isospin.
    * None

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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