sub·ser·vi·ent /səbˈsɜːviənt $ -ˈsɜːr-/ adjectiveadj 1 OBEYalways obeying another person and doing everything they want you to do – used when someone seems too weak and powerless 恭顺的,屈从的,卑躬屈膝的〔用于表示某人太软弱无能〕subservient to Don remained entirely subservient to his father. 唐一直对他父亲百依百顺。
subservient role/position His wife refused to accept a traditional subservient role. 他的妻子不愿接受事事顺从的传统角色。
2 formalLESS less important than something else 次要的,从属的 SYN subordinatesubservient to the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state 个人权利被要求服从于国家利益。
—subserviently adverbadv
—subservience noun [uncountableU]