The usual enemies, cigarettes and alcohol, are targeted for tax rises.
The common enemy that united them was communism.
把他们团结起来的共同敌人是贫穷。 your own worst enemyPROBLEMto behave in a way that causesproblems for yourself 自作自受,自己害自己
Examples from the Corpus
be your own worst enemy• My father was his own worstenemy.• Many driversare their own worst enemy -- driving too close, driving too fast, all the usualfaults.• You could say that Gilly is her own worst enemy.• My motherwas her own worst enemy. She knew she was ill but she did nothing to help herself.• People are their own worst enemies.• To what extent would she say she was her own worst enemy?• Players can be realsnobs about names, too, so they are their own worst enemies.• In other words, we are our own worst enemy.
6public enemy number oneinformal someone famous who has done something bad and who a lot of people do not like 头号公敌
His views made him public enemy number one in the eyes of the media.
Examples from the Corpus
public enemy number one• Rats have been brandedpublicenemy No. 1 in Bangladesh.• Taylor has turned into public enemy number one.• She had done nothing wrong, yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one.
7the enemy withinpeople in a society etc that other people think are trying to secretly destroy or damage it 〔试图在暗地里搞破坏活动的〕内部敌人,内奸
efforts to label environmentalists as the enemy within
In the final, he met his old nemesis, Rafael Nadal.
enemy a country or army that you are fighting against in a war
Soldiers who were captured by the enemy suffered terribly.
foe written an enemy
The Russian Army were a formidable foe.
Examples from the Corpus
enemy• And still there was not a scrap of information about enemynaval forces.• You cannot attack an enemy unless you have precise information about their numbers and position.• an enemy of the Jewish people• The detective wanted to know whether the dead man had had any enemies.• Did your husband have any enemies?• Britain and France decided to unite and fight against their commonenemy.• Fatigue had made him slothful, and now he'd let his enemies get dangerously close.• If I didn't have that curiosity I would walk into enemy lines and let myself be killed.• One man was ordered to observeenemyaircraft and to warn when danger was imminent.• Even though these soldiers were our enemies, I felt desperately sorry for them.• the president's political enemies were quick to denounce him.• The new religion considered the body, and its animal desires, as the enemy of truereason.• And because the enemies should be allies, the clash is poignant.• They accused him of giving secret information to the enemy.• The enemy should be totally unaware of their arrival.• the enemies of democracy• My parentssometimes seem to treat me as if I was their enemy.• As a consequence the houseworker stands indicted as the worstenemy the environment has.
enemy forces/aircraft/territory etc• Tanimizu is said to have shot down 32 enemy aircraft.• Should our carriers become separated during attacks by enemy aircraft, they will endeavor to remain within visualtouch.• Bosnia, it has been determined by some one, is considered enemy territory.• Delightdied at six thirty-eight a.m. when the first enemy aircraft appeared from the west.• Then furtherenemy aircraftarrived and bombed and strafed the patrol for several hours.• It later was further attenuated by including anyone killed or wounded in enemy territory, excluding the requirement of combat.• Allied spokesmen make light of the fact that so many enemy aircraft remain intact.• Probably due to the confusion no one thought of asking the radarstation at Opana in which direction the enemy aircraft headed.
(1200-1300)Old Frenchenemi, from Latininimicus, from amicus“friend”