im·prac·ti·cal /ɪmˈpræktɪkəl/ adjectiveadj 1 IMPOSSIBLEnot sensible or possible for practical reasons 不切实际的;不现实的 The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical. 公路收费计划由于不切实际而遭到否定。
James was a foolish man, full of impractical plans. 詹姆斯是个愚蠢的人,满脑子都是不切实际的计划。
► see thesaurus at impossible 2 STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEnot good at dealing with ordinary practical matters, such as making or repairing things 〔人〕无实践能力的〔如制作或维修物件〕;动手能力差的 Sandra was hopelessly impractical around the house. 桑德拉在家务事方面一窍不通。
—impractically /-kli/ adverbadv
—impracticality /ɪmˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ noun [uncountableU] the sheer impracticality of collecting DNA from such a large population 从这么多人身上收集DNA完全不切实际