bobcat• Now, minkpelts sell for 75 cents and bobcats go for $ 35.• It is framed by gentlehills that look down on oakgroves that abound with deer, bobcats and golden eagles.• Hammond responded to a call to remove a femalebobcat from Tucson Raceway Park.• Behind the empty Ahwahnee Hotel, freshbobcattracks mark the morning snow.• Joe Adams will get his frozenbobcat back, again.• Hammond tried every kind of tastybobcat food he had -- sardines, rawchicken, chicken livers.• But the bobcat apparently was already headed back to Adams.• Wildlife managers have been tracking bobcats wearing radiocollars and know that they still are in the area.
(1800-1900)bob“short”((18-19 centuries)) (probably from BOBTAIL; because it has no tail) + cat