hemorrhage• Elya would die of a hemorrhage.• Acute cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction often presents with vertigo and headache.• Below her waist, the fabric of her smock filled with the black clots of her hemorrhage.• If there are none of the white blotches that mean hemorrhage, he begins an examination to diagnosestroke.• The following points should be remembered when a diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage is being considered: 1.• The pain of subarachnoid hemorrhage may localize in the posteriorneck, or rarely in the lower back. 3.• Subarachnoid hemorrhage may occur at any age, even among people in the sixth or seventhdecade of life.
(1400-1500)Frenchhémorrhagie, from Latinhaemorrhagia, from Greek, from haima (HEMO-) + -rrhagia“bursting out, flow”