pearl/gold/diamond etc necklace• A pearl necklace had broken and two liveriedservantsscrabbled on hands and knees to retrieve the jewels.• There should be a jade-and-diamond necklace with matchingearrings.• All the bridesmaids carried posies of springflowers, and wore antique pearl and gold necklaces and bracelets.• Red suit, black bob, gold necklace.• It's as if somebody put June Cleaver's pearl necklace and apron on Madonna.• She washed clothes and dealt in smuggledelectronic goods, rabbit-fur hats, sunflowerseeds, pearl necklaces and noodles.• Ablutions completed, a quite spectacular gold necklace was placed around my neck.• In her most notoriousphotographs she wears only her triple-string pearl necklace.