1[intransitiveI, transitiveT]SIGN/GESTURE to close and open one eye quickly to communicate something or show that something is a secret or joke 眨(一只眼),使眼色
wink at
He winked mischievously at Erica.
He winked an eye at his companion.
2[intransitiveI]SHINE to shine with a light that flashes on and off 〔光〕闪烁,明灭SYN blink
a Christmas tree with lights winking on and off
3.wink at somethingphrasal verbphr vIGNOREto pretend not to notice something bad or illegal, in a way that suggests you approve of it 对…睁一只眼闭一只眼,假装没看见
wink• Tipping a wink at the typing pool.• The dimensions of time have shriveled to a wink.• "How are you girls?" Tom asked with a wink.• "Don't worry, " he said with a wink. "I won't tell anyone about this."• More than that - Jess saw the nod and winkexchanged.• Mikeshook his head in mockregret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink.• She leant across the car and grasped Maura's hand, forcing herself to give her daughter a little wink.• Mitchell was shocked to see the man signaling him with slywinks.• Tip me the wink if I lapse, won't you?
gave ... a wink• Mike shook his head in mock regret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink.• He gave her a wink and chased the children upstairs to their rooms.• Johngave her a wink and a thumbs-up sign.• But then Kengave me the wink.• She gave me a little wink, because, of course, they were pointing their telescopic lenses mostly at me.