2.a glutton for punishmentSUFFERsomeone who seems to enjoy working hard or doing something unpleasant 不辞劳苦[任劳任怨]的人
Examples from the Corpus
a glutton for punishment• Talk about a glutton for punishment.• Being a glutton for punishment, a few days later we rounded it off by doing the Danube Kneebend towards Budapest.• Steve Jobs is obviously a glutton for punishment.
Examples from the Corpus
glutton• We had salmon to start, followed by a glutton's dessert of crème brûleé.• Uncle Richard was a glutton who ate everything in sight.• But some are gluttons for punishment.• Persons who eat too much are calledgluttons.• We even honor these great gluttons who have become our world leaders, our socialites, our jet-setters.• Just as some people are meandrunks, mortgagetraders were mean gluttons.
(1200-1300)Old Frenchgloton, from Latinglutto, from gluttire“to swallow”