slick1 /slɪk/ adjectiveadj 1 PERSUADEif something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas 徒有其表的,华而不实的 a slick Hollywood production 一部场面恢宏但内容肤浅的好莱坞电影
The presentation was very slick. 这个展示会非常华而不实。
2 PERSUADEif someone is slick, they are good at persuading people, often in a way that does not seem honest 油嘴滑舌的,巧舌如簧的 a slick used-car salesman 油嘴滑舌的二手车推销员
3 DO WELLEFFECTIVEdone smoothly and quickly 熟练的,灵巧的 He got round the defender using some slick footwork. 他用灵巧的步法突破了后卫的防守。
4 SLIDEsmooth and slippery 光滑的,滑溜的slick with Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with rain. 很多汽车滑出因下雨而湿滑的道路。
5. GOOD/EXCELLENT American EnglishAmE old-fashioned very good or attractive 很好的;吸引人的
—slickly adverbadv
—slickness noun [uncountableU]