ultimate goal/aim/objective etc• It is this personhood which is the Monster's ultimate objective.• The sixthstage, national information infrastructure, or the I-way, is the ultimate goal.• Thus, while each has the same ultimate goal, each chooses a different methodology to achieve it.• One trains in the arts of war, yet the ultimate goal is peace.• Her ultimate aim is television stardom.• The ultimate aim is to replacegasolinealtogether by using battery power or other non-polluting energysources.• Humanwelfare is the ultimate goal of economic activity.• Great strides had been made, but the elimination of poverty, Johnson's ultimate aim, was far from complete.
ultimate outcome• The process of implementation had a large role in determining the ultimate outcomes.• Work is designed so that it can best be completed by a group, with a group project being the ultimate outcome.• The tensions can't be avoided and the ultimate outcome can't be predicted.• The continuing, and heated, judicialdebate on racialpreferenceindicates that the ultimate outcome of this controversy remains in doubt.• If there is any doubt about the ultimate outcome, the proceeding must be left on foot.
ultimate decision• Alice looked at Kiki, Kiki at Alice, the ultimate decisionblooming at long last.• The ultimate decision concerning who to hire is made by consensus.• Although a baremajority in his cabinet seemed likely to back him, its ultimate decision could not be predicted early Wednesday.• Mr. Patten I can confirm that the ultimate decision is ministerial.• More applications will consequently get through to the ultimate decisionmakers.• The ultimate decision must be made by the ChiefConstable himself.• The ultimate decisions will be taken at governmental, even presidential, level.
ultimate2 noun
the ultimate in somethingMOSTthe best or most modernexample of something 最好的…;…的极品;…的精华
The plane was the ultimate in air technology in the '60s.
那种飞机是 60 年代航空技术的最杰出代表。
Guy’s home is the ultimate in luxury.
(1600-1700)Late Latinultimatus“last”, from ultimare“to come to an end, be last”, from Latinultimus“farthest, last”, from ulter; → ULTERIOR