rolling programme• They show the consistency that is to be expected from a ten-year rolling programme.• The £750,000 required is being sought from special councilbudgets, so that a rolling programme of ferryreplacement is not affected.• In addition to these priority cases, we will develop a timetable for a rolling programme of QualityAudits for other centres.• We must then continue with a rolling programme of reform that takes us away from the narrowconcept of notionalrents.• Mr Guest said United had a rolling programme of renewing its fleet and planned to buy 13 new buses this year.• There is a rolling programme of whole school inspections and detailedsubjectdepartment inspections.• In south Glasgow, two secondaries are beginning a rolling programme which is aimed at thwarting a major shake-up by Strathclyde.• The first audits will take place this autumn as part of a rolling programme which will eventually take in all centres.