serene• Her pale, plump face was serene.• It was, for the first time since he had been looking at it, serene.• But there was no condescension in his expression, and no judgment; just sereneconcern.• The young woman he saw was neither a gigglingschoolgirl, a serenedebutante, nor a smiling fiancee.• But, in political and human terms, he clearly represents everything Ayckbourn most dislikes: a serenedetachment and emotionless cool.• She had a small serene face, like on a cameo.• A kind, serene girl called June told her the reason.• The lounge was long, and wide, L-shaped, the luxuriousfurnishingsreflecting the cool, serenehues of the sea.• Jan looked out over a serenelandscape of gentlehills.• In her serene room, I have slowly come to feel safe.